Blue Hill Bay Property Rentals

Quality Properties & Reliable Services for our Guests and Owners

Permission to Allow Dog

Permission to Allow Dog: Addendum to Guest Rental Agreement


PROPERTY NAME:                                          RENTAL DATES:

We love dogs and believe that most of our guests are careful and responsible pet owners. More and more guests prefer to travel with their dog(s), and many owners are happy to accommodate them. We unfortunately are not able to allow animals other than dogs to accompany our guests. This Addendum provides our expectations to ensure a happy stay for all.

  • Any Guest wishing to bring a dog(s) to a Rental Property must read and abide by the rules outlined in this Addendum, with the primary purpose to ensure that safe and sanitary surroundings are provided for all who come to the property, to protect the physical integrity of the property, and to protect and provide for the well-being of the dog(s).

  • The dog fee is not a cleaning fee, it is a fee for permission to bring a dog to the Property. There is additional wear and tear and risk to the Owner in allowing a dog at their Property. The fee for up to two pre-approved dogs is $150 plus 9% lodging tax.

  • All dogs must be restrained by leash or voice command on the grounds of the Property. Dogs are not permitted to roam off the Property. If one legitimate complaint is received by Blue Hill Bay Property Rentals (BHBPR) from a neighbor regarding a roaming or noisy dog, BHBPR will give the Guest one warning. If BHBPR gets a second complaint, the dog will be required to leave immediately (Sorry!).

  • Permission to keep a dog at the Property is granted at the sole discretion of the Owner and will be based in part on the dog’s own merit, as well as the owner’s ability to maintain control over their dog.

  • Unauthorized dogs, including dogs of visitors or invitees, will not be allowed inside the Property, even on a temporary basis, without permission from BHBPR on behalf of Owner.

  • Dogs are not allowed in the following areas of the Property and evidence found may incur additional cleaning fees.

  1. On top of beds, couches or other furnishings. 

 2. Bathrooms (to prevent dogs from being washed in Property tubs or showers which may overtax the septic systems, especially in seasonal cabins and cottages).

Guest specifically acknowledges agreement of Items 1 and 2 above by initialing here

  • Owners prefers that the dog(s) not be left alone in the Property although Owners understand that sometimes this is not an option and that guests must leave the dog on the property while going out to dinner etc. The concern is that a dog left alone in an unfamiliar place may naturally become anxious, including barking and causing damage. If Guest thinks their dog could be prone to this – Guest should consider not bringing their dog. This statement does not say a dog cannot be left alone – but rather states that if they are, and they do damage or bark, disturbing neighbors, the dog will be considered “in violation” as noted below.

  • Any dog waste deposited on the Property must be cleaned up immediately by the Guest and disposed of in trash in securely-tied plastic bags and inside the trash liner. A $10 fee per dog excrement may be charged for every separate instance of waste left for us to clean up on the Property, however we prefer and appreciate that you carefully clean up after your dog(s).

  • Fleas and ticks are prevalent in Maine and can cause harmful and fatal illness to humans and pets. All dogs must have a flea and tick repellant administered 3 - 5 days prior to arrival at the Property.

  • Dogs must be up-to-date on Rabies vaccination and other shots, with documentation available upon request. Heartworm preventative is highly recommended.

  • Dog’s nails must be trimmed shortly before arrival at the Property..

  • Wet dogs are not permitted inside the Property. Please consider bringing dog towels if you dog likes to swim.

Owners and BHBPR shall not be liable to Guests or any third party for any incident or damage and specifically disclaim any such liability. If a dog is found to be in violation of any of these conditions and Guest and BHBPR, on behalf of the owner, aren’t able to come up with a suitable resolution, the dog will be required to leave the Property immediately. Several nearby kennels are available to accommodate your dog under these circumstances.

Guest agrees that it will be a significant and material breach of this agreement if they fail to remove the Dog from the Property immediately after being found in violation by providing initials here:

  • Guests are requested to remove as much evident dog hair as reasonably possible in the rental property prior to departure. Extra cleaning charges will apply at a rate of $50 an hour for excessive amounts of dog hair found in the property after the rental period.

  • Should Guest decide, at a later date, before the final payment is due, that Guest no longer is bringing their dog, payment of the entire Dog Fee, less $20, will be refunded. If Guest does not notify BHBPR until, during, or after the start of the rental that their dog did not accompany them to the Property, the Dog Fee will not be refunded.

Guest Acknowledges and Fully Agrees to this Pet Addendum by signing below.

Guest Signature:                                                  Date:

Name of Dog:                                 Breed:                  Age:             Weight:

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